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Monday 2 January 2012

Lady rose

100cm X 50cm

My first for a while, Not my most technical piece but one of my personal favourites. Hopefully I can get time to do a few more before my second child arrives.    

Saturday 25 June 2011

Purple Rose

30" x 40"
Purple Rose

This piece was commissioned by a friend at work. Took a while to get finished due to many reasons. but its done and i now miss looking at it lol. Still I have many more to do. I'm going to start a sunset painting to enter my local towns open gallery event in September. figured if I start now I may get it done in time lol.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Mother's rose

30" x 24"
Finally got there lol, Im happy with this, It's not perfect but when are they ever.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


9" x 12"
This is my first attempt at oil pastels, Wasn't fun and not happy with the results. maybe I need try using normal paper and not canvas paper.

Monday 28 February 2011

Peach carnation

9"x 12"
 This was requested for another friend, He commissioned it as a present for his wife's 40th birthday. At this time he has not seen it so ill repost with his reaction. I'm personally frilled with the results on this and has me raring to go onto the next one.

Purple rose

Purple rose
16"x 20"
This is part one of a pair that I intend on painting for my partner. My first piece that iv been fully happy to say it's finished. I think that this one was a good learning curve, I spent more time on getting the shading in the right place's and putting the right hue's were they should be. I enjoyed working on this one greatly.

Red/ Pink rose

Red Rose
30"x 40"
After showing a friend my painting of the blue rose, he commissioned for me to paint this. The largest iv ever painted and only my fourth since I picked up my weapons. I have very mixed feeling about this one, on one hand its only my fourth in a long time, on the other side I know in myself that I can do better. I guess we live and learn.
Well in the end my friend came to pick it up and was very happy with it, so much so he gave me £20 more than I was asking. Plus he has since asked for another the same size. Result.

Sunday 27 February 2011

White Lilly

White lilly
6"x 9"
I painted this lilly to sit on the wall with the blue rose, After been on the wall for some time im not happy with this one. I shall be painting a replacement to take its place.

Blue Rose

Blue Rose
6"x 9"
After my first I became suck for time, balancing between my little girl, my partner and work. So I painted this in around four hours which is fast for me. It has ended up on my partners parents wall. It could be said that this is the one that has started a small flood of flower request's from family and friends.

First Since School

First try
16"x 20"

After maybe 15 years out of school I decided to have a go at oil painting, Mainly because my mother likes to paint also and infected me with the bug. I say infected because it is easily caught and once you have it's your's for life. lol.  This is my first try. It came from a figurine that lives on my fireplace and a little imagination.